
Property Marketing

Our Team takes photos and we market the property to our own client base and Market towards all Thailand Real estate Related websites, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We prepare our own sales documentation in Thai, Chinese, Russian and English. Seller Pays fee only when Property sold by our Team.

Non Binding Marketing

We can put your property on the map. Our Team will take photos, and prepare sales documentation. Marketing will be done via our Standard Property Marketing. But we go one step further and push  photos and sales documentation to our network of over 100 local agents. We will arrange viewings for a flat rate, without touching other agents fee structure.

Tapping into the Fee Structure

In Thailand its more or less standard that a Seller will pay Agents commissions. If you want to turn that around be our guest ! You as a Buyer will pay a Flat driving fee per day, and 1% of the sales price of the Property.

Our Team Shares all local knowlege on a daily basis. We prepare for free Contracts and at minimal rate Due Dilligence checks on Simple Binding Agreement is made between you the buyer and our Company.

Our Special Services

Land & Property Surveying

Our Team can survey in the field for the best landplots for Residential Development, Private Residence or Condo Project. Or for Private Investors Our team can tour to Projects and/or Areas to learn the market.

Renovations & Interior Design

Our Team is used to supervice and document Construction Projects. And we work with qualified local craftsman, Electricians, Building Specialists, and Labourers.

Due Diligence Checks

For a Flat fee we perform Title deed and Thai company checks for your wellbeing, and to learn about current ownership, and eventual loans or leases against the title deed.